L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia
A motor complication affecting many PD patients after years of L-DOPA therapy.
L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID) is a common and debilitating motor complication that results from prolonged administration of L-DOPA for the treatment of Parkinson's disease (PD). As PD progresses, many patients experience dyskinesia, leading to decreased quality of life and increased caregiver burden. With a high incidence rate of up to 94% in PD patients after 15 years of L-DOPA treatment, the management of LID presents a significant challenge in treating PD.
Currently, the only FDA-approved drug for LID is amantadine, a noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist. However, its efficacy is limited and the potential for adverse effects such as hallucinations and tolerance may reduce its therapeutic effectiveness. While subthalamic deep brain stimulation may offer benefits for LID, it is a highly invasive procedure requiring hospitalization.
The need for effective, safe pharmacotherapies for the management of LID symptoms remains a significant unmet need for PD patients.
The following short video offers a glimpse into the impact of dyskinesia on daily life:
Video credit: Parkinson's UK (Can't Eat - Matt, dyskinesia and Parkinson's - YouTube)